The Austrian Eco-label for Schools and Teacher Training Colleges (UZ 301)

The Austrian Eco-label encourages 

  • Protection of environment & climate 
  • Health care 
  • Quality of education 
  • Education for Sustainable Development
"Energy Saving" Project. Copyright by HTL Mödling

HTL Mödling as climate champion

HTL Mödling is the largest school in Austria, has been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel and has been able to reduce energy costs by a remarkable 40 percent by switching to district heating and other measures.

The "Cool in die Schul" Initiative at the middle school Gmünd. Copyright by Mittelschule Gmünd.

Cool to school

Ecolabel licensee Bacher Reisen motivates pupils in Carinthia to travel to school in an environmentally friendly way.


Schools as pioneers for climate protection

On 18 September, the award ceremony for the Austrian Ecolabel took place in Vienna. The certificates were presented to the committed and awarded schools by Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and Education Minister Martin Polaschek.

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