Kunsthaus Wien


Sustainable museums with the Austrian Ecolabel are focussing on sustainability, ecology, conscious use of resources and socio-political responsibility in their daily mangement as well as in the planning of their exhibitions.

Technological wonder and environmental role model: the Technische Museum Wien

The Vienna Technical Museum sees itself as a future-orientated and socially effective institution that is guided by the idea of sustainability. It is enthusiastic about technology and science and fascinated by their impact on people and society. The museum shares this enthusiasm with its audience and reflects together with them on the socio-political consequences of technological progress.

KunstHaus Wien Renovation (Copyright: KHW / Isabella Petricek)

KunstHaus Wien: Hundertwasser house sustainably converted

The KunstHaus Wien shows how it's done: the sustainable conversion of the museum in the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna's third district underlines the relevance of the constant environmentally friendly commitment of companies already certified with the Austrian Ecolabel. But companies that would like to be certified can also find inspiration here.

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