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The Austrian Ecolabel for Products

The "Austrian Ecolabel" was created on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Environment in 1990. This label provides the general public with information on the environmental impact of consumer goods that arises from their production, usage and disposal and attracts the attention of consumers to alternative environmentally friendly products.


The products and/or services for which guidelines have been drafted are subject to a holistic evaluation. In this context not only the environmental effects of the use of a product or a service but also the production process, disposal as well quality and fitness for use ("lifecycle") are recorded. The following points can be considered to be the basis for evaluating the environmental compatibility of products:

  • Consumption of raw materials and energy
  • Toxicity of ingredients
  • Emissions (e.g. exhaust gases, sewage, noise)
  • Disposal/recycling (waste, suitability for recycling)
  • Packaging
  • Distribution and transportation (as required)
  • Quality, safety, longevity, ease of repair.

Labelling organisation and utilisation fees

The Austrian Ecolabel is awarded by the Republic of Austria as represented by the Federal Minister of Sustainability and Tourism. With the award of the Ecolabel royalties are to be paid to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. The annual royalties depend on the specific turnover of the branch and/or product group of the applying enterprise.

Data center (iStock)

New eco-label guideline for climate-friendly data centers

Since 2024, operators of environmentally friendly and resource-conserving data centers as well as IT operators who use such centers can be awarded the Austrian Ecolabel.

Copyright by BMK/

Hargassner Ecolabel company State prize winner

AND THE WINNER IS: The Upper Austrian Hargassner Ges mbH! In October 2021, it received the State Prize2021 Environmental and Energy Technology in the category "Environment & Climate" for its project "Emission Reduction in Modern Biomass Heating Systems".

Modern living room with wooden floor, seating and a view of a tree. Copyright by Susanne Stark.

Updated Ecolabel guidelines for building products

In times of growing environmental awareness and increased commitment to sustainability, the selection of environmentally friendly building materials is of the utmost importance. In this context, the Austrian Ecolabel for construction products is a decisive orientation aid and becomes the basis for sustainable procurement programmes of the federal government (naBe) and the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Vorarlberg.

Sustainable financial products: new version of the guidelines

On 13 December 2023, the new version of the Austrian Ecolabel guidelines for sustainable financial products (UZ 49) was adopted by the Ecolabel Advisory Board. The biggest change: from now on, sustainable loans (green loans) can also be certified.


Aided awareness of the Ecolabel is 58%, unchanged from the previous year (59%).

Expert Committee

Guideline revision: Sustainable financial products

The revision of the Austrian Ecolabel Guideline for Sustainable Financial Products (UZ 49) has been taking place since the beginning of the year with the involvement of around 300 people from the financial sector, experts, public administration and civil society.

Microplastic - Tipps to refuse. Copyright by BMK.

Invisible but still dangerous - microplastics!

Plastics can be found in all areas of everyday life. A new brochure informs about the effects of microplastics on humans and nature and gives helpful tips on how to avoid them.

Wild Roses.

Ecolabel UZ 49 - Requirements for Green Loans

This year the Ecolabel Guideline for Financial Products will be revised. Currently, it is planned to include green loans as a new product group in the directive and thus make them certifiable.

Bicycle before logging. Copyright by Behofsics.

Global investments to decarbonise the economy

The French "Mandarine Gestion" is an independent and entrepreneurial French capital management company founded in 2008 and specialised in equity investments.

Circular Economy. Copyright by Stanislaw Pytel via Getty Images.

The Austrian Circular Economy Strategy

The heart of the Austrian Circular Economy Strategy is formed by the strategic goals such as the reduction of resource consumption, the avoidance and reduction of waste, the prevention of environmental pollution by pollutants, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as four concrete measurable goals.

E-filling station. Copyright by andreas160578 auf Pixabay

Car sharing as part of the mobility transformation

Mobility behaviour has changed significantly compared to previous years - not least due to the views and needs of young people.

Ecolabel logo with various plastic building products

Austrian Ecolabel as a guideline for public procurement in the building sector

When awarding construction contracts, public authorities can do a lot to raise awareness of the issues of climate protection and the circular economy, while at the same time reducing environmental impacts.

Ecolabel Advisory Board: New at the Ecolabel

The steering committee of the Austrian Ecolabel meets three times a year: the Ecolabel Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is made up of representatives from a wide range of fields and defines the general strategy of the Austrian Ecolabel and decides on guidelines that are developed by the VKI with the involvement of various experts.

The study authors Armand Colard and Josef Obergantschnig. Copyright by ESG+/Ethico.

Study confirms: Ecolabel funds very sustainable

A recent study on the sustainability quality of about 2000 equity funds confirms that funds with the Austrian Ecolabel are particularly sustainable.

Pressekonferenz zur Veröffentlichung des Bioökonomie Aktionsplan. Copyright by BMK/Cajetan Perwein.

The Bioeconomy Action Plan - Time for Implementation!

The concept of the bioeconomy encompasses on the one hand the sources of raw materials (agriculture, forestry, water management and waste) and on the other hand the use of these bio-based raw materials (food and feed, materials, energy). The aim is to create an economic cycle that reconciles technology and ecology.

Creativity and innovation at edding. Copyright by edding.

Felt and fibre in the office

The first waterproof felt pens were imported to Germany in the 1960s and neon-coloured highlighters were invented there in 1971. The market reacted enthusiastically to the new pens. Half a century later, a new generation is at work and a lot has changed in the products. The share of sustainably produced felt-tip pens and fibre-tip markers is growing, and the accompanying refills are sophisticated and convenient.

Processing WDVS. Copyright by Sto Österreich.

Mission "Build Consciously"

This is the mission Sto Österreich Ges.m.b.H. is on! Because the technology leader in the field of thermal insulation is pursuing a vision: to make built living spaces more humane and sustainable. One element of this is the StoTherm Wood composite thermal insulation system, which was certified with the Austrian Ecolabel in April 2022. Read more about it here!

Washing a dog. Copyright by Aleksandr Takolov (pixabay)

Ecolabel for animal care products

When caring for animals, products that are as environmentally friendly and healthy as possible should also be used. The new Ecolabel helps with their selection.

Copyright by shutterstock_153827051.jpg

Safe in the sun

The most important goal of sun protection is to prevent skin cancer. However, since even very good sunscreens are never entirely unproblematic for health and the environment, they should be used as little as possible.

Copyright by Umweltzeichen.

Sustainable body care - plastic-free, organic and vegan?

Sustainable cosmetics are not that easy to find or you have to make them yourself in a complicated way. Both are stereotypes that you come across again and again. Podcaster and trainer Elena Beringer has done some research for us.

Gift basket with Ecolabel products. Copyright by Ecolabel.

Reliable environmental statements to protect consumers

The Commission is proposing to update EU consumer rules to further raise awareness of environmental change. Among other things, protection against misleading information is to be strengthened.

The female entrepreneurs of Wollke KG. Copyright by Ludwig Fahrnberger. Wollke KG.

Towards a Circular Economy with the Austrian Ecolabel

With its requirements, the Austrian Ecolabel supports the path towards a circular economy - be it through specifications on dismantlability, the use of recycled products and reusable systems.

The bioeconomy is thriving, like the grasses in the picture. Copyright by klsa12. freeimages.

Ecolabel - Bioeconomy - Circularity

Bioeconomy stands for an economic concept that aims to replace fossil resources with renewable raw materials in as many areas and applications as possible. This makes it, along with the circular economy, an important building block on the path to climate neutrality.

Recycling. Copyright by VKI.

100 percent recyclable - more illusion than reality

Our colleagues from the VKI investigated the slogan "100 per cent recyclable" as part of a greenwashing check - and were surprised. Consumers will probably expect complete recycling. Unfortunately, this is very often not the case. What is meant is the theoretical recyclability - not the actual recyclability.

Copyright by Umweltzeichen.

"Green Office" at Home Office

More and more people in Austria are also working from home. But what about the workplace in a private environment? How can a home office be designed so that the workplace is then also environmentally friendly, healthy and safe?

Kindergarten exercise room with sun in the flooring. Copyright by True Photo by Oliver Erenyi.

linum & oleum

Both together make linoleum, a sustainable floor covering. The company Gerflor GmbH produces DLW Linoleum. The aesthetically pleasing floor coverings, which have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel, protect health and the climate.

Wood pile. Copyright by Umweltzeichen_JB

Green money for green investments. The challenges of EU taxonomy for the Austrian Ecolabel

Since 2018, when the European Commission published the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, a lot has changed in the financial sector.

Diversity of cosmetics - hormone free. Copyright by  Susanne Stark.

Cosmetics: Ecolabel products do not contain chemicals that act like hormones

The EU Ecolabel for cosmetic products, which will be valid from autumn, offers good protection for people and the environment from questionable ingredients. The Austrian Ecolabel has contained these strict requirements for a long time and has successfully demanded them for the EU Ecolabel.

Copyright by Ryan McGuire auf pixabay.

I only let my skin have water and...

Our skin comes into contact with clothing and shoes for many hours and sometimes also with toys for longer periods of time. It is therefore particularly important that these products are harmless to health.

Copyright by Marcinjozwiak auf pixabay.

How chemicals harm the climate

The production of chemicals consumes energy and raw materials, causes huge amounts of CO2 emissions. And thus drives climate change! But let's take it one step at a time ...

Blumenstrauß in Vase, dahinter eine Küche.

Take a deep breath

Indoor air is an important factor in our well-being and health, as we spend up to ninety percent of our time inside buildings.
What should we pay attention to for healthy indoor air?

Copyright by Natalya Bond.

Disposable tableware: Harmful substances also in alternatives to plastic

A recent survey by consumer organizations from Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and the VKI in Austria shows that alternatives to plastic tableware are not as harmless or even environmentally friendly as they are often portrayed: Of the 26 products available in Austria, 21 were contaminated with harmful substances.

Copyright by

Circular economy in the office

Paper is good for the circular economy. It can be recycled far more frequently than was assumed for years. This is shown by a study conducted by the Technical University of Darmstadt. According to the study, paper fibers can be recycled almost indefinitely. This means that waste paper is an even more valuable raw material than assumed.

Filming gets "green". Copyright by Austrian Ecolabel.

Funding for green film productions

In order to make film production in Austria even greener, film funding institutions are also increasingly focusing on green filming and particularly support productions that have been produced according to the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel.

Demonstrate with school shopping! Parents and children pay attention to the environment and climate.

Learning about climate protection and paying attention to it when shopping at school. Nothing sounds more logical than that, and yet there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to school shopping.

Facade in the state of construction. Copyright by BMLRT, Alexander Haiden.

New Austrian Ecolabel Guideline for Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS)

Thermal insulation of buildings saves fossil fuels and, by reducing CO2 emissions, helps to prevent the earth from overheating. Exterior walls are therefore provided with insulating materials and covered with weather protection (plaster or similar). The two combined make up: a composite thermal insulation system.

Raphael Fink at the Ecolabel Press Day. Copyright by Ecolabel/Christoph Kerschbaum.Copyright by Umweltzeichen/Christoph Kerschbaum.

Green Finance: "A green success story" - Interview with Raphael Fink from the Association for Consumer Information (VKI)

Raphael Fink is in charge of Guideline UZ 49 "Sustainable Financial Products" of the Austrian Ecolabel at the VKI on behalf of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK). In this interview he tells us what it is all about and why the label is such a great success.

Claro Tabs (Copyright: claro products GmbH)

Ecological dishwasher tabs

Stiftung Warentest has put dishwasher tabs under the spotlight. In the current test, there are many products that contain an ecologically harmful chemical that is used to protect silver cutlery. But there are harmless alternatives.

UniCredit Bank Austria

The first banking account with an Austrian Ecolabel

The savings and giro products of the Environmental Centre of Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel. This means that, for the first time, current and savings accounts and savingsbooks are now also certified with the Ecolabel.

Testsieger KONSUMENT

Environmentally friendly printing: ink and laser printers

Stiftung Warentest tested 25 printers - including two devices that have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel. Read how you can save costs and protect the environment!

All life is chemistry

Up to 5,000 chemicals are found in a typical household. Ecolabels at European level try to reduce the use of chemicals in everyday life. Above all, however, it is necessary for consumers to be aware of how many products are used.

Company KE KELIT at night. Copyright by KE KELIT GmbH

An Austrian success story since 1945: The KE KELIT GmbH in Linz

"We use raw materials very carefully and sparingly. For our products, we use high-quality materials that last for decades. Especially as a family business we think in terms of generations: Environmental protection is important to us as a family, but as a globally active company we are also committed to the future of our planet."

Energy contracting - a project for the future

Energy contracting? Two experts, Bruno Oberhuber; GF Energie Tirol and Johann Hafner, GF BC Regionalenergie (LN), explain to us the basic principles and advantages of this option for saving energy.

Energy must be used carefully. This is clear. It is also understood and everyone is pleased that the reduction of energy costs will reduce costs. But how best to save energy? That is where energy contracting provides the answer.

GoGreen Konto

The first banking account with an Austrian Ecolabel

The savings and giro products of the Environmental Centre of Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel. This means that, for the first time, current and savings accounts and savingsbooks are now also certified with the Ecolabel.

Wall paints (Copyright by Adler Lacke)

Viva! Cheers to life!

La vita, our life, takes place 90 percent within our own four walls. In order for us to feel comfortable there, the choice of wall paints and varnishes that are not harmful to health is particularly important. The AVIVA wall paints and the interior glaze LIGNOVIT Interior UV 100 from the traditional Tyrolean company ADLER are the right decisions in this respect, because both have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel since 2013.

The Ecolabel guarantees low pollution

More than 120,000 chemicals are on the market in the EU - and the number is growing every day. More than 200 of them have been identified as substances of very high concern. A new app provides valuable information for consumers.

The first banking account with an Austrian Ecolabel

The savings and giro products of the Environmental Centre of Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel. This means that, for the first time, current and savings accounts and savingsbooks are now also certified with the Ecolabel.

Green Finance Programme of the Climate and Energy Fund

The Climate and Energy Fund has launched a Green Finance Programme to support and accelerate the redirection of private capital flows towards sustainability.


KONSUMENT Drinking bottle test

In cooperation with the Arbeiterkammer Steiermark, the VKI tested eleven returnable drinking bottles. The focus of the drinking bottle test, in which bottles between 400 and 750ml made of plastic, metal and glass were tested, was on practical suitability and freedom from harmful substances.


KONSUMENT potting soil test: On the safe side with the Ecolabel

According to the latest KONSUMENT test, those who pay attention to the Austrian Ecolabel buy ecological potting soil. Peat, guano or other exhaustible raw materials are replaced in eco-labelled potting soils by suitable sustainable materials in order to achieve circular economy. Both products in the test were also free of germs.


Green Investment

High demand: sustainable investment certificates

The Austrian National Bank recently (May 2020) published an article. Based on its individual securities deposit statistics and information from certification and information centres in Austria and abroad, the article describes the volume of labelled sustainable investment funds for the years 2018 and 2019.

New guide: Sustainable school bags for our climate

The first school bag of one's own awakens the excitement in first graders about the upcoming start of school. When choosing a model, the design is usually crucial for the new generation. Special attention should be paid to the ergonomics and sustainability of the school bag - which will hopefully be used for several years.  You can also pay attention to the environment when buying school supplies and buy sustainable products.


Circular Economy in the European Union - A new strategy

The circular economy is the central element of the European Green Deal and is closely linked to the new strategic framework for industry and the small and medium-sized enterprise sector.

Sustainability Challenge

fashion and textile industry: sustainability in focus!

COVID 19 has pushed the global fast fashion industry into a deep crisis and triggered a domino effect worldwide: Shops and shopping centres were closed, orders were cancelled, trade employees were dismissed. Since there are hardly any social safety nets for textile workers in Bangladesh, Combodia or India, longer periods of unemployment mean poverty, hunger and disease.

bigood glass cleaner (VKI)

KONSUMENT tested window cleaner

Is a purchased window cleaning product better than a homemade household detergent? The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) has put it to the test.

Vöslauer bottle (Vöslauer)

New 0,5l reusable glass bottle from Vöslauer for on the road

As an option to the millions of disposable plastic bottles, a new 0.5 litre reusable glass bottle is now finally available in stores. Environmental awareness and customer satisfaction are the basis of the latest packaging innovation: the 0.5-liter glass bottle, which has been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel for its reusable system.

Leere PET-Flaschen

Avoiding plastic waste - our tips for you!

You too can participate - our Ecolabel licensees will be happy to support you in environmental and climate protection!

Exhibition Stand Construction

Exhibition Stands very often are used only once and find their way directly to a dump or an incinerator. Green Stands are used over and over again and raw materials are reused or recycled. Materials with negative environmental and health impact are avoided as much as technically possible.

Reinigungsmittel mit Spühflaschenkopf

All life is chemistry

Up to 5,000 chemicals are found in a typical household. Ecolabels at European level try to reduce the use of chemicals in everyday life. Above all, however, it is necessary for consumers to be aware of how many products are used.