Circular Economy. Copyright by Stanislaw Pytel via Getty Images.

The Austrian Circular Economy Strategy

The heart of the Austrian Circular Economy Strategy is formed by the strategic goals such as the reduction of resource consumption, the avoidance and reduction of waste, the prevention of environmental pollution by pollutants, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as four concrete measurable goals.

It was already agreed in the current government programme to develop a national circular economy strategy. The launch took place in autumn 2020 at the Ministry of Climate Action with broad participation of all relevant stakeholders from business, research, ministries, federal states and civil society.

An important success factor in the development of the strategy was the broad and transparent involvement of the relevant stakeholders in the form of workshops, surveys, dialogues and the BMK's internal and external invitation to comment on the draft circular economy strategy. As a result, extensive comments were received, and significant additions were incorporated into the national circular economy strategy.

The strategy includes the circular economy principles, the vision, the goals, the instruments and measures for shaping the transformation as well as the monitoring. In addition, it also contains the starting points for the transformation with extensive proposals for measures in the priority areas.

The core of the Austrian circular economy strategy is formed by the strategic goals such as reduction of resource consumption, avoidance and reduction of waste, prevention of environmental pollution by pollutants, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as four concrete measurable goals:

Goal 1: Reduction of resource consumption

  • Reduce domestic material consumption (DMC) by 25% to 14 t/cap/a by 2030
  • Reduce material footprint (MF) by 80% to 7 t/cap/a by 2050

Goal 2: Increase domestic resource productivity by 50% by 2030

Goal 3: Increase circularity rate to 18% by 2030

Goal 4: Reduce material consumption in private households by 10% by 2030

The Austrian circular economy strategy thus creates the framework for the transformation to a resilient sustainable, climate-neutral and circular economy and society.


Circular Economy Strategy (

Austrian Ecolabel supports the path to a circular economy.