Landesberufsschule Tamsweg
Schießstattstraße 195580 Tamsweg
Salzburg, Austria

„Environmental Certification for the Tamsweg Vocational School
"Environmental Certification" to make a statement.
The Tamsweg Vocational School and the Austrian Environmental Label for Schools
Our Mission Statement - Symbol of our actions and behaviour
The team at Tamsweg Vocational School has always shown a strong affinity for health promotion and environmental protection. Since 2017, we have been certified by the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge, among other achievements. Our mission statement, developed collectively by the faculty, reflects our commitment to sustainable and resource-efficient teaching and school development. Our activities and projects in the past have suggested the next step. Through a survey conducted among our teachers on topics that should be included in our school development plan, the faculty unanimously decided to strive for the Austrian Environmental Label.
Sustainable and social school development
Our entire team values sustainable and social school development. We have been dedicated to health promotion at all levels for years and are committed to social progress. We strive to be role models for our students in everything we do - to inspire them. Active learning requires internal movement. "Learning with all senses" is a focal point of the school culture at Tamsweg Vocational School. We want our students to have experiences that contribute to their personal growth. We aim to provide them with guidance and inspiration on how to make their lives and learning more sustainable and thus, perhaps, more fulfilling.
Making a visible statement
By obtaining the Austrian Environmental Label, we also want to make a visible statement to the outside world. A sign that all our activities aim at a resource-efficient and sustainable interaction with people and the environment.
The certification requirements are implemented through a step-by-step process. In the first step, seven out of ten criteria must be fulfilled for the award. Because we always strive for a holistic approach, we will cover the following seven focal points at our school:
• School's outdoor space
• Energy use and conservation
• Environmental management information and social aspects
• Educational quality and education for sustainable development
• Procurement and teaching materials
• Health promotion, ergonomics, and interior design
• Water, wastewater, waste prevention
The only certified vocational school in Salzburg with an "environmental certification"
After being evaluated by an examination commission, the team at Tamsweg Vocational School will be the only vocational school in Salzburg to receive this distinction.
Teamwork is highly valued
Such an award can only be achieved when the entire school team works together. This endeavor is only possible through the dedication and effort of all staff members in a school - and that doesn’t only include the teaching faculty.
Overall responsible
• MSt. Ing. Bernd Gappmayer, BEd (Organization, Energy, Waste)
Core team members
• Dir. Ing. Johann Grall, BEd (School Responsibility, QMS Team)
• Kurt Kendlbacher (Caretaker, Energy Recording, Waste, Outdoor Space)
• Elisabeth Trafler, BEd (Public Relations - Website and Social Media)
• Silvia Gautsch, BEd MEd (QMS School Coordinator, Health, Sports, and Social Development)