Volksschule 45
Lernwerkstatt für Kopf, Herz und HandHausleitnerweg 52
4020 Linz
Upper Austria, Austria
The VS 45 - learning workshop for head, heart and hand is located in the 'Villenviertel' of the Wasserwald. Our school's catchment area also includes streets inhabited by people with a migrant background or socially disadvantaged social classes. This mix is experienced as an enrichment and a challenge. It is important to create a balancing act between the well-off, ideal world of the water forest and the harsh reality of many migrants.
All teachers pull together. There are Jourfixes and in-school training courses (SCHILFS) for joint professionalization and team strengthening.
The cooperation with the parents and the parents' association works very well. They support school projects, actively help with the school festival, organize a 'welcome' at the start of school on the first day of school, organize an Advent stand and actively contribute to the success of everyday school life. The parents' association covers the cost of the organic snack apple for 10 weeks every year.