Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung Schloss Sitzenberg
Schloßbergstraße 43454 Reidling
Lower Austria, Austria

The Secondary College of Agriculture and Nutrition HBLA Schloss Sitzenberg is the only vocational upper secondary school of its specific type in Lower Austria. The education and training period comprises 5 grades and is concluded with a diploma and school-leaving examination.
The innovative educational program takes into account economic, social and technological developments and complies with the concept of environmental sustainability.
The school-autonomous focus called Eco-social Product Management enables HBLA Sitzenberg to respond to these requirements in theory as well as in practice.
Joined-up thinking and thinking in sustainable cycles is an educational principle that is put into practice. The educational training includes the production, processing, refinement as well as the consumption of food and takes care of an environmentally-friendly recycling of waste. This process is taking place under permanent quality conformance tests.
The “Sitzenberg-Concept“ is based on sustainability and environmental compatibility, relies on best-practice procedures, remains open to innovations and takes into consideration the overall well-being of the individual.
The comprehensive education at HBLA Sitzenberg entails profound theoretical and practical qualifications, a wide general education and interpersonal skills. This educational training takes the requirements of society into account and incorporates ecological, economic and social principles.
HBLA Sitzenberg has been holding the EU Eco-label since 2011.