Höhere technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt Wiener Neustadt
Dr.-Eckener-Gasse 22700 Wr.Neustadt
Lower Austria, Austria

The HTBLuVA was founded as a school for mechanical engineering in 1873. It delivers high quality technical education with a high level of practical relevance, a broad range of general education and personality development. Moreover, it provides specialization in renewable energies, environmental and sustainability studies. Currently there are 56 classes with 1,319 students and 135 teachers.
We comprise the following departments:
- Mechanical engineering (key area of training: automation engineering)
- Construction engineering
- Electrical engineering
- IT
- Professional school for electrical engineering
- College and postgraduate course EEUN (Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability)
- Evening school for working people in the departments of construction engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering
Since 2012, there has been an interdepartmental school focus on EUN/RES– renewable energy, environment and sustainability. Since 2014, students have had the opportunity to attend a four-semester course and an advanced training course for renewable energy, environment and sustainability.
Our contribution to environment, health and sustainability in line with the Austrian ecolabel
We offer optional lessons as well as in-depth teaching in the fields of the environment, sustainability and renewable energy to an advanced level.
We provide a college of further education for both grammar school and technical school graduates, which focuses on renewable energy, environment and sustainability. Furthermore, we offer a certificate course in power engineering for professionals.
As part of the course, students carry out projects and diploma theses with a technical background in the areas of climatology and environmental protection, offering solutions concerning renewable energy systems, conservation of resources and sustainabilty. Water fountains, green areas, chillout zones and generous sports facilities are available for students to enjoy.
Photovoltaic installations and applied renewable energy systems contribute to the power supply of the building. A rigorous refuse separation system, the prevention of plastic waste as well as regional products at the restaurant are a further contribution towards a better environment and individual wellbeing.
We implement the Austrian Ecolabel …
…since it is important for us to raise our students´ awareness for environmental and sustainability issues. Our aim is to provide them with the necessary skills for future technology and a respectful treatment of the finite resources of our planet.