Volksschule Prandaugasse
Prandaugasse 51220 Wien
Vienna, Austria

At the VS Prandaugasse 5 school site, 27 teachers are committed to 312 children under the leadership of Regina Neumaier.
The profile of the VS Prandaugasse school is defined by EDUCATION.INNOVATION.COOPERATION
The primary school is characterised by the following focal points:
Sport I Montessori education I Music I Creative design I Environmental education
PILGRIM School: Sustainability and spirituality
WIeNGS School: Holistic health promotion
Water school
Self-determination, respect for the child's personality, the promotion of mental and physical functioning and performance and social order are important to us.
Mindfulness in dealing with the environment and sustainable, ecological awareness are particularly important to us.
We pay attention to the highest quality and variety of methods in teaching, external and internal further training of colleagues, quality management and control as well as a mentoring programme for those starting their careers ensure teaching success.