An der Alster 4220099 Hamburg

Lloyd Fonds AG is an innovative, listed financial house with active, sustainable and digital investment solutions for the return of our customers and partners. The company, which was founded in 1995 and is bank independent, has been listed on the stock exchange since 2005. Since March 2017, Lloyd Fonds AG has been listed in the Scale segment (ISIN: DE000A12UP29) of the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt.
LF – European Hidden Champions
ISIN: DE000A2PB598 (R), DE000A2PB6A0 (I), DE000A2P0VB9 (I2)
Lloyd Fonds - European Hidden Champions invests in high-growth European mid-cap companies with a market capitalization of up to five billion euros. The selection of shares includes, in particular, companies with the highest possible degree of innovation. This results in a regional focus on German-speaking countries and Scandinavia. However, the composition of the fund is based purely on the fund's own fundamental analysis of the individual companies. The decisive criteria for individual stock selection are market positioning, earnings potential, balance sheet potential, valuation and management quality. On-site company visits and discussions with management are essential. The fund is in line with the 17 UN SDGs and has full sustainability integration in selection of securities. There is a clear balance of positive contributions and controversies.
LF – Green Dividend World
ISIN: DE000A2PMXF8 (R), DE000A2PMXG6 (S1), DE000A2PMXH4 (S2)
The Lloyd Fonds - Green Dividend World invests in fundamentally selected, high-dividend companies worldwide. The stock selection focuses on companies that aim to make a positive contribution to the achievement of one or more environmental goals based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015. Investments are to be made across all market capitalizations. Key factors in the selection of individual stocks, in addition to sustainability criteria, are market positioning, earnings and cash flow potential, balance sheet potential, valuation and management quality. The regional and sectoral composition of the fund results exclusively from the selection of individual stocks.