Sankt Veiter Ring 439020 Klagenfurt
Carinthia, Austria

As an international company, BKS Bank is used to thinking of the future. We have retail and corporate clients. We have designed an asset management that complies with the requirements of the Austrian Ecolabel for Sustainable Financial Products.
In general, comprehensive sustainability activities are an important part of the corporate culture. BKS Bank was rated Prime by ISS-oekom, which specializes in sustainability research, making it one of the best in the world. As a member of the UN Global Compact and respACT - austrian business council for sustainable development, BKS Bank acts as a multiplier for corporate social responsibility. BKS Bank common stock is an index member of the VÖNIX sustainability index on the Vienna Stock Exchange.
More information at: www.bks.at
BKS Portfolio-Strategie nachhaltig
BKS Portfolio-Strategie nachhaltig ist eine aktiv gemanagte Vermögensverwaltung der BKS Bank AG. Sie investiert ausschließlich in Nachhaltigkeits-, Ethik- und Umweltfonds die ihrerseits das Österreichische Umweltzeichen für nachhaltige Finanzprodukte tragen bzw. dessen hohen Anforderungen entsprechen.
Das BKS Portfolio-Strategie nachhaltig strebt ein moderates Vermögenswachstum bei gleichzeitig geringer Wertschwankung an.
Der überwiegende Teil des Portfolios wird breit gestreut in Anleihefonds investiert. Managementkonzepte und Aktienfonds können jeweils bis zu 30 % gewichtet werden.
Die Investitionen werden hauptsächlich in Euro getätigt. Das Management überprüft und überwacht laufend auf Basis des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Umfeldes und eines klar strukturierten Investmentprozesses die Depotstruktur. Bei Bedarf werden aktiv Umschichtungen innerhalb des Anlageuniversums durchgeführt.
Natur & Zukunft-Konto
With the Natur & Zukunft account, all those who are concerned about environmental and climate protection can easily make their own small contribution to nature in their home country without having to become active themselves. The idea for the successful product was born by employees as part of a junior management training program and meets the needs of numerous customers who want to actively participate in the sustainable change of our time.
BKS Bank has committed itself to this within the framework of the Natur & Zukunft account:
- The funds deposited in the Natur & Zukunft account are used exclusively for the granting of ecologically sustainable loans.
- For each account closed, one tree is planted or a long-term project for the reforestation of native forests is supported.
A first step has already been taken: in cooperation with the Chamber of Agriculture, 1 hectare of protection forest in Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla was reforested. When selecting the trees, particular attention was paid to ensuring that the bio-diversity was right and that no monoculture was created. In 2020, 4,680 trees were planted in the course of the project! The second part of the project, the reforestation of a mixed forest with 10,000 trees in Mall-nitz, will start in the fall of 2022.
At the same time, BKS Bank is focusing on sustainability in the management of the product. The account can be opened online. The use of paperless digital signatures on special tablets reduces paper consumption enormously. Account statements are also sent electronically to the Internet banking mailbox.