UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Rothschildplatz 11020 Wien
Vienna, Austria

In the context of a financial institution, most people think of investment and loans. But a bank also works with the money. Banks thus have far-reaching opportunities to finance and anchor sustainable projects in society. Bank Austria is aware of this responsibility. We therefore make a well-considered decision to invest in renewable energy and sustainable projects in favour of our environment.
If you share this belief, you can make a lot of changes together with Bank Austria, because your money can help save the environment.
In the GoGreen account, Bank Austria finances sustainable, socially and climate-friendly projects at the level of your deposit. Thus, every single euro we manage for our customers plays an important role and thus contributes significantly to a better future.
Overview of the GoGreen account:
- Awarded with the Austrian eco-label*
- Online account with 100% paperless account management (electronic account statement, digital mail)
- 24You Internetbanking and MobileBanking App
- BankCard (debit card) made of a special material that speeds up the dismantling process
- Shop with many sustainable GoGreen partners and get money back into your account thanks to the CashBack** program of Bank Austria
- Account and credit card in the 1st Year free***
- Special conditions for the purchase of sustainable investment funds from Amundi
Close online now at: bankaustria. at/gemeinsamveraendern
* The Austrian Eco-label was awarded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Infrastructure and Technology (BMK) for the GoGreen account because the projects financed by means of these giro deposits take into account not only economic but also ecological and social criteria. The Ecolabel ensures that these criteria and their implementation are suitable for selecting appropriate projects. This has been independently verified. The award of the eco-label does not constitute an economic evaluation and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the future performance of the financial product.
** For more details, see cashback. bankaustria. at. A service of Bank Austria until probably 31. 12. 2021.
*** Promotion valid for new customers until 31. 01. 2021 when opening an account in connection with the opening of 24You Internetbanking. Also valid when switching from MegaCard account and student account. Account management fees are not charged in the quarter of the opening of the account as well as in the four following quarters. After that, the then valid account management fee is set off. This offer is valid until 31. 01. 2021 for new customers at the opening of an account as well as for existing customers with Bank Austria salary or pension account without credit card. No credit card fee for the selected credit card (Visa Classic with insurance coverage and Visa Gold) in the first year of the contract from the closing date. After that, the then valid credit card fee is set off. Credit card issuance is credit-dependent. UniCredit Bank Austria AG acts as an intermediary. The contract is concluded with the card complete Service Bank AG.
Das GoGreen-Studentenkonto ist ein gratis Studentenkonto, das sowohl online als auch in den Bank Austria Filialen papierlos eröffnet werden kann. Trotz seines Namens ist das GoGreen-Studentenkonto nicht ausschließlich für Studierende gedacht. Die Zielgruppe dieses Produktes umfasst neben Studierende ebenfalls Berufsanwärter*innen / Lehrlinge maximal für die Dauer der Ausbildung von 3 Jahren. Die Führung des GoGreen-Studentenkontos ist maximal bis zum vollendeten 30. Lebensjahr vorgesehen.
Vorteile im Überblick:
- Kostenlose Kontoführung
- Gratis Debitkarte
- Banking für unterwegs: mit der MobileBanking App und 24You-Internetbanking
- Geld zurück aufs Konto beim Online-Shopping dank CashBack Online mit GoGreen-Partnern, in Kooperation mit BenefitWorld GmbH
MegaCard GoGreen-Konto
Man kann nicht früh genug anfangen, die Welt zu verändern.
Für jeden Euro auf dem Konto Ihres Kindes investieren wir einen Euro in umweltfreundliche Projekte. Deshalb wurde das MegaCard GoGreen-Konto mit dem Österreichischen Umweltzeichen* ausgezeichnet.
Vorteile im Überblick:
- Kostenlos und für alle von 10 bis 20 Jahren
- Immer mit einem tollen Willkommensgeschenk bei erstmaliger Kontoeröffnung
- Finanzen im Blick mit dem Internetbanking und der MobileBanking App
- Geld zurück aufs Konto beim Online-Shopping dank CashBack Online mit GoGreen-Partnern, in Kooperation mit BenefitWorld GmbH
- Bargeldloses Bezahlen – ohne Überschreitungsmöglichkeit
MegaCard GoGreen-Kontoeröffnung & weitere aktuelle Infos finden Sie hier: bankaustria.at/jugendkonto