Savity Vermögensverwaltung GmbH
Dingelstedtgasse 14/151150 Wien
Vienna, Austria

Savity ist Österreichs Pionier bei der digitalen Vermögensverwaltung. Unsere Mission ist es, Geldanlage für Privatanleger möglichst einfach zu machen: Gemeinsam finden wir in unserem digitalen Beratungsprozess das passende Anlageportfolio je nach Anlageziel und Risikopräferenz. Gemäß der gewählten Anlagestrategie legen wir das Geld an und überwachen das Investment. Über die Savity-App oder den Web-Zugang haben unsere Kunden jederzeit Zugang zu ihren Anlagen.
Als konzessionierte Wertpapierfirma gemäß § 3 WAG 2018 werden wir von der Österreichischen Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) beaufsichtigt. Savity hat den Sitz in Wien und ist eine Tochtergesellschaft von Amundi, dem führenden europäischen Vermögensverwalter. Savity kooperiert in Österreich mit BAWAG, easybank und Schelhammer Capital für die Depotführung.
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Savity Umweltportfolio Aggressiv
The Savity Umweltportfolio invests globally in compliance with strict sustainability criteria. Only funds and ETFs that are certified with the Austrian Umweltzeichen are used in the asset allocation of the portfolio.
The portfolio is available in five different return/risk categories:
- Low risk: 10% stocks, 90% bonds
- Conservative: 30% stocks, 70% bonds
- Balanced: 50% stocks, 50% bonds
- Dynamic: 70% stocks, 30% bonds
- Aggressive: 90% stocks, 10% bonds
More information at
Savity Umweltportfolio Ausgewogen
The Savity Umweltportfolio invests globally in compliance with strict sustainability criteria. Only funds and ETFs that are certified with the Austrian Umweltzeichen are used in the asset allocation of the portfolio.
The portfolio is available in five different return/risk categories:
- Low risk: 10% stocks, 90% bonds
- Conservative: 30% stocks, 70% bonds
- Balanced: 50% stocks, 50% bonds
- Dynamic: 70% stocks, 30% bonds
- Aggressive: 90% stocks, 10% bonds
More information at
Savity Umweltportfolio Dynamisch
The Savity Umweltportfolio invests globally in compliance with strict sustainability criteria. Only funds and ETFs that are certified with the Austrian Umweltzeichen are used in the asset allocation of the portfolio.
The portfolio is available in five different return/risk categories:
- Low risk: 10% stocks, 90% bonds
- Conservative: 30% stocks, 70% bonds
- Balanced: 50% stocks, 50% bonds
- Dynamic: 70% stocks, 30% bonds
- Aggressive: 90% stocks, 10% bonds
More information at
Savity Umweltportfolio Konservativ
The Savity Umweltportfolio invests globally in compliance with strict sustainability criteria. Only funds and ETFs that are certified with the Austrian Umweltzeichen are used in the asset allocation of the portfolio.
The portfolio is available in five different return/risk categories:
- Low risk: 10% stocks, 90% bonds
- Conservative: 30% stocks, 70% bonds
- Balanced: 50% stocks, 50% bonds
- Dynamic: 70% stocks, 30% bonds
- Aggressive: 90% stocks, 10% bonds
More information at
Savity Umweltportfolio Sicherheitsbewusst
The Savity Umweltportfolio invests globally in compliance with strict sustainability criteria. Only funds and ETFs that are certified with the Austrian Umweltzeichen are used in the asset allocation of the portfolio.
The portfolio is available in five different return/risk categories:
- Low risk: 10% stocks, 90% bonds
- Conservative: 30% stocks, 70% bonds
- Balanced: 50% stocks, 50% bonds
- Dynamic: 70% stocks, 30% bonds
- Aggressive: 90% stocks, 10% bonds
More information at