REDSIDE investiční společnost, a.s.
V Celnici 1031/411000 Prague 1
Czech Republic

The fund management company REDSIDE provides institutions and individual investors with first-class investment solutions and specialist knowledge in the dynamically developing market of alternative investment funds, where we offer both our own investment solutions in the form of our own investment funds and space and know-how to solutions of other investment plans.
As a private, licensed company we try, when making investments, to always think beyond our clients’ investment horizon and also maintain an innovative and individual approach. In an attempt to build a long-term, mutually-beneficial business relationship enabling our clients to achieve their designated investment goals, through a professional portfolio and asset management.
We work with our clients. We invest the financial means of our clients based on a pre-set investment strategy in one of the funds under our management whose strategy focuses on a wide range of assets, from renewable energy sources to publicly-traded equities, real estate, and private equity. All this in compliance with valid Czech and European fund legislation. However, we can establish a new fund structure whose parameters and investment strategy are set, by its foundation, with regard to the client’s profile and needs.
We are responsible for managing our clients’ assets worth EUR 500 mil.
Since 2015 we have been a member of The Czech Capital Market Association AKAT.
ISIN: CZ0008044823, CZ0008044807, CZ0008044831, CZ0008044815, CZ0008474053
For our fund, the Umweltzeichen is the way to raise awareness of NOVA Green Energy fund and expand our activities across Western Europe in order to contribute even more to sustainable development. The NOVA Green Energy is a fund of qualified investors (hereinafter only “Fund”) investing in equity of companies operating small and medium facilities (1-4 MW) that generate power from renewable sources of energy in the Central and Eastern Europe, particularly in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The yield of the Fund is steady because it’s based on feed-in tariffs of electricity for a period of 15 – 20 years; moreover these prices exceed a common market electricity price. Those factors together with effective asset management reflect in economic result of the Fund. Thus, this type of investment resembles in terms of risk government bonds with 10 – 15 year maturity; however the yield is significantly higher than 6 % p.a. The Fund aims to be the best option for conservative investors expecting stable government guaranteed income and adequate capital appreciation in the area of renewable sources. Strict regulation framework, clearly set management motivation, a respected fund manager, expert and auditor as well as other institutional and project guarantees ensure maximum transparency of NOVA Green Energy following the model of Western Europe investment funds.
Key Data:
36,5 MW in operation + 30 MW under construction = total elektricity output
62.5 GWh - Annual electricity production
75 000 tonnes - Annual reduction in CO2
12 million EUR - Annual sales
100 million EUR - Assets under Management