Federated Hermes Limited
Federated Hermes Limited inv.150 Cheapside
EC2V 6ET London
Andere, Großbritannien

A global leader in active, responsible investment
Federated Hermes is guided by the conviction that responsible investing is the best way to create long-term wealth. We provide specialised capabilities across equity, fixed income and private markets, in addition to multi-asset strategies and proven liquidity-management solutions. With industry-leading investment, stewardship and advocacy experts, we aim to deliver Sustainable Wealth Creation that enriches investors, benefits society and preserves the environment – for current generations and those to come.
Unsere Umweltleistungen
Das haben wir für die Umwelt / für das Umweltzeichen bereits umgesetzt:
Responsibility: our past, present and future
Our fiduciary heritage and expertise in responsible investment ensure that our clients' interests come first and that we support positive change in the wider world. We believe that investing responsibly is the best way to sustain long-term outperformance and contributes to beneficial outcomes for investors, companies, society and the environment. The international business of Federated Hermes has long advocated and applied this approach. Since first engaging for stronger UK corporate governance in 1983, to becoming a founding signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment in 2006, to spearheading the global 2017 Climate Action 100+ initiative involving 370 investors with more than $35tn in assets, we have been at the vanguard of a movement that is now redefining the practice of investing.
UmweltZEICHEN – Slogan
Wir führen das Umweltzeichen weil…
'We carry the Ecolabel because everything we do aims to deliver Sustainable Wealth Creation'
Federated Hermes Global Small Cap Equity Fund
ISIN: IE00BVVB5G95 (R), IE00BVVB5H03 (R), IE00BVVB5N62 (R), IE00BVVB5J27 (R), IE00BVVB5K32 (R), IE00BVVB5L49 (R), IE00BVVB5M55 (R), IE00BVVB5Q93 (R), IE00BVVB5P86 (R), IE00BYQLL675 (R), IE00BYQLL568 (R), IE00BYQLL451 (R), IE00BYQLL345 (F), IE00BDTMZB37 (I), IE00BDRJLJ65 (I)
Our Federated Hermes Global Small Cap Equity Fund is based on strict ESG criteria. During the investment process, in addition to analysis undertaken to identify companies we believe will generate capital appreciation, an assessment is undertaken of the Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") qualities of small capitalisation global companies through research and local investigation. ESG considerations cover both what the business does and how it conducts its business. Issues covered include: environmental items (such as the use of and impact on natural resources), social issues (such as employment practices and human rights) and governance (being the way in which the company is run) and the positive or negative environmental or social impacts associated with the company's products and services. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the ESG characteristics of a company results in an ESG score being assigned to each company considered for investment, and only companies which clear a threshold of ESG performance are eligible for investment. If a company falls just short of the established ESG threshold they may only be invested in if they have shown a desire to improve their ESG practices and/or a willingness to engage (through a dedicated engager in the investment team) on those identified ESG issues and can demonstrate good corporate governance practices. Finally, the Fund applies exclusions which include but are not limited to the fossil fuel, weapons, tobacco, and gambling sectors.
Federated Hermes Impact Opportunities Equity Fund
ISIN: IE00BG5KR946 (R), IE00BD3FNT29 (R), IE00BD3FNV41 (R), IE00BD3FNW57 (R), IE00BD3FNX64 (I), IE00BD3FNZ88 (I), IE00BD3FNY71 (I), IE00BG5KRB60 (R)
The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies that will benefit from meeting the world's environmental and social challenges.
Long-term sustainability validation is a key part of our investment process, which includes a thorough impact assessment and focus on 9 key impact themes that are aligned with the UN SDGs. These themes are: Energy transition, Circular economy, Water, Health and wellbeing, Education, Financial inclusion, Future mobility, Food security, and Impact enablers. Our stewardship team, EOS, alongside the investment team will monitor how companies are both progressing towards delivering impact and improving their ESG profile. Finally, the Fund applies exclusions which include but are not limited to the fossil fuel, weapons, tobacco, and gambling sectors.
This Fund has already achieved the FNG label and the Belgian "Towards Sustainability" label.
Federated Hermes Sustainable Global Equity Fund
The investment objectives of the Fund are to: (i) achieve long-term capital growth over a rolling five-year period; and (ii) have a reduced environmental footprint compared to the Benchmark.
Long-term sustainability validation is a key part of our investment process, which includes a thorough thematic analysis and focus on 9 key impact themes that are aligned with the UN SDGs. These themes are: Energy transition, Circular economy, Water, Health and wellbeing, Education, Financial inclusion, Future mobility, Food security, and Impact enablers. Our stewardship team, EOS, alongside the investment team will monitor how companies are both progressing towards delivering impact and improving their ESG profile. Finally, the Fund applies exclusions which include but are not limited to the fossil fuel, weapons, tobacco, and gambling sectors.
This Fund has already achieved the Belgian "Towards Sustainability" label.