West4Media Filmproduktions GmbH

Schlossgasse 13
1050 Wien
Vienna, Austria
  • UZ-LicenseUW 1497

we are a band of boomers, hipsters and gen z. we are diverse and creative. what unites us is our love of film production, and the respect and tolerance we show one another. we have been committed to thinking and acting sustainably for many years. it begins with the obvious, like separating and reducing waste, and extends all the way to implementing green production principles. we put these values into practice long before being awarded the Austrian Eco Label, but since 2023, we have officially belonged to a small group of production agencies who have received this commendation. if you wish to find out more about how we are working towards a better future, please request a copy of our sustainability report.

VKS Österreich sammelt sich glücklich



The film is part of an information campaign by the Packaging Coordination Centre about separating waste correctly. It is often the little things in life that make us happy and can transform a regular day into a good one. Sometimes just a single moment is all that is needed to make a difference. In the film, we become part of these everyday moments that bring us joy. In four situations, we meet a variety of people from mainstream society. They all enjoy what they do and recycle the waste they create. And this is also a small deed that makes us happy and allows us all to contribute towards protecting our climate.