Green Finance Programme of the Climate and Energy Fund

The Climate and Energy Fund has launched a Green Finance Programme to support and accelerate the redirection of private capital flows towards sustainability.

Support for certification costs of UZ 49 possible

The Climate and Energy Fund has launched a Green Finance Programme to support and accelerate the redirection of private capital flows towards sustainability. The programme helps companies and local authorities to carry out a profitability calculation for planned projects and to reduce the incidental costs of placements on the financial market. For this reason there is also financial support for project and incidental costs, for example in the context of Green Bonds.

Part B also explicitly supports the certification of a Green Bond - for example with the Austrian Ecolabel. The costs of preparing the SPO are also eligible for funding. However, this is subject to the condition that the companies in question are in the real economy or local authorities - i.e. green bonds issued by financial institutions are explicitly excluded from support.

Submission modalities

Submissions are possible until 26 February 2021, an interim deadline (up to which a maximum of half of the funding amount will be paid out) is 11 September 2020. The total budget for the grants to be awarded is 1.1 million euros.

A jury of experts decides which projects will receive support on the basis of a points system that is geared to the aspects of greenhouse gas reduction/climate change adaptation, taxonomy conformity, multiplicability, additionality, probability of implementation, development of new target sectors and costs.

The guide with all information on the Green Finance Programme can be found HERE, an introductory presentation by the project manager HERE.

An introductory and informative webinar can be viewed HERE.

All further information can be found on the website of the Climate and Energy Fund.