Hotel Stadt Kufstein
Arkadenplatz 16330 Kufstein
Tyrol, Austria

_Environmental protection meets environmental awareness
We will continue to make all our efforts and measures to be taken in the future to protect the environment and thereby make our contribution to the preservation of the natural basis of human life.
Our focus is on understanding the averting of threats to the natural basis of human existence • combined with the willingness to compensate. Our environmental awareness is based on recognizing potential conflicts between our own actions and environmental protection.
So we see our doings and actions not only in the sense of success, but rather in the appreciation of everything that is important. It is the valuable support of our employees every day that we thank you for. And it is above all our guests who, by staying in their HOME AWAY FROM HOME IN KUFSTEIN, support all our environmentally friendly services and efforts at the HOTEL STADT KUFSTEIN for a HOTEL FOR A BETTER FUTURE.
THANK YOU for the joint path to a better future worth experiencing.