Heidi-Hotel Falkertsee
Falkertsee 29564 Patergassen
Carinthia, Austria

In Summer the Falkert mountain pasture not only offers the perfect natural setting for classic activities such as hiking, but also caters for trend sports such as Nordic walking or climbing. Visitors preferring to seek relaxation will find many tranquil and serene spots with magnificent views over lake Falkertsee.The only Heidi-Alm in the world with manifold attractions for little guests makes sure that the children experience something new every day, whether they visit the alpine dairy farm, take a walk along the beautiful theme trail or pet the farm animals on its grounds. And in wintertime our little skiing area is really perfect for families with kids. So are we, because we are a specialised "Kinderhotel" with special services for the childrens and the parents. Skiing at our place is just great and very comfortable. You don't need your car and all the skiing loops are directly arround our hotel.