Ignaz-Mayer-Straße 174020 Linz
Upper Austria, Austria

KE KELIT Innovative pipe systems from Austria
KE KELIT Gmbh is a medium-sized company located in Linz an der Donau. Founded in 1945 as an installation company, the company is now one of the leading pipe manufacturers and system suppliers in Austria. The product range covers drinking water systems, heating, cooling and wastewater systems, active surface systems for heating and cooling, compressed air systems, high performance fittings, chilled water systems and district heating systems. The company owns 150 patents and utility models. This is key to Ke Kelit´s success and is evidence of the expertise at Ke Kelit´s disposal. Especially future-oriented connection technologies, such as the push-fitting fitting requiring no tools, or the induction welding technology, identify Ke Kelit as a leader in innovation and quality. The brands (e.g. KELOX and KELEN) are registered in international markets. They have become a byword for specialist pipe systems. Using modern plastic processing machinery, complex, resources-saving and sustainable manufacturing procedures have been implemented for decades, proof of production expertise and product quality.
Worldwide sales in demanding markets
KE KELIT sells its products worldwide in demanding markets via its own distributors and agencies, from the Middle East to the Far East, from Australia to South America, underlining the company´s ability to compete.
KE KELIT now has manufacturing facilities in Austria, Germany and Malaysia. KE KELIT also cooperates closely with strategic partners with regards to manufacturing and product development. The company places great emphasis on customer-oriented solutions with customer requirements being supervised by regional staff.
The latest driver of innovation are active ceilings for heating and cooling. KE KELIT has made many innovations in this field. Another innovation is the introduction of flow-optimized fittings. KE KELIT has the best push-fit fitting requiring no tools (KELOX PROTEC ZETA) worldwide, with the lowest friction losses. The fitting is protected by several patents.
Whether for projects, hospitals, hotels or skyscrapers, residential buildings, individual houses, industry, or district heating, KE KELIT products are installed everywhere.
KE KELIT for long-life sustainable quality pipe systems
The Austrian environment logo is awarded by the Ministry for the Environment and is one of the most prestigious awards for sustainable, quality products in Austria. KE KELIT produces innovative, long-life, sustainable quality pipe systems for Austria and the whole world.
Energy-efficient business is important for protecting the environment and resources. Respect for our planet is an important part of KE KELIT´s company ethos. The interests and requirements of future generations are an integral part of all processes. KE KELIT strives to develop products which protect the environment and resources. This is beneficial not only for our customers and partners, but also for the whole of society.
Consideration of the requirements of future generations goes without saying. To qualify for the environment logo, a waste management policy and an environment management policy must be in place and successfully implemented. Meeting the requirements of the ISO 14001 audit is evidence of this.
KE KELIT is also member of the ÖAKR (Austrian association for recycling plastic pipes). Over 1000 tons are saved every year. Since the association was founded, more than 20,000 tons of Co2 have been saved. This makes the ÖAKR a pioneer for the whole of Europe. KE KELIT is proud that its responsible attitude towards society and the environment is reflected at all stages of the product cycle.
The Quality Assurance and Research and Development departments are constantly striving for new innovations to ensure that resources-saving and sustainable policies continue to be implemented for KE KELIT´s high quality products.
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 14mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 16mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 18mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 20mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 25mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 32mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 40mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 50mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 63mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KELOX Modulrohr in der Dimension 75mm
Multilayer pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water systems inside buildings
KU100 Ultra PE-RT Rohr in der Dimension 16mm
Ultra PE-RT pipes acc. ÖNORM EN ISO 22391, with EVOH barrier layer, oxygentight acc. DIN4726
KU100 Ultra PE-RT Rohr in der Dimension 20mm
Ultra PE-RT pipes acc. ÖNORM EN ISO 22391, with EVOH barrier layer, oxygentight acc. DIN4726
KU100 Ultra PE-RT Rohr in der Dimension 25mm
Ultra PE-RT pipes acc. ÖNORM EN ISO 22391, with EVOH barrier layer, oxygentight acc. DIN4726
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 16mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 20mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 25mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 32mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 40mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 50mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 63mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 75mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 90mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 110mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 125mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 140mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem KELEN in der Dimension 160mm
Plastic pipes and fittings system for hot and cold water made of PP-RCT