Sustainable school shopping with the UmweltTipp!
For pupils and parents, the school year begins with the procurement of numerous necessary school supplies. Purchases need to be carefully considered in order to save money and ensure sustainability.
Natural beauty in the garden: environmentally friendly garden furniture
Spring is coming! And with it comes the time when we particularly enjoy being outside again. The green garden oasis can be embellished with attractive garden furniture that invites you to linger. If you want to think about the environment as well as your own comfort, make a conscious decision in favour of sustainable garden furniture that ensures an environmentally friendly outdoor feel-good experience. So how can the outdoor area be furnished sustainably?
Updated Ecolabel guidelines for building products
In times of growing environmental awareness and increased commitment to sustainability, the selection of environmentally friendly building materials is of the utmost importance. In this context, the Austrian Ecolabel for construction products is a decisive orientation aid and becomes the basis for sustainable procurement programmes of the federal government (naBe) and the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Vorarlberg.
Sustainable financial products: new version of the guidelines
On 13 December 2023, the new version of the Austrian Ecolabel guidelines for sustainable financial products (UZ 49) was adopted by the Ecolabel Advisory Board. The biggest change: from now on, sustainable loans (green loans) can also be certified.
Green events for Austria - the administration as a pioneer
At the naBe & Green Events Austria symposium, 120 event experts from all over Austria from both the administrative sector and the industry met at the Ankersaal in the Kulturhaus Brotfabrik in Vienna. The event was certified as a Green Event with the Austrian Ecolabel.
Top performance with the Austrian Ecolabel
Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler was also able to present this year's Environmental Management Award to three companies that are certified with the Austrian Ecolabel and scored with their outstanding achievements: Druckerei Janetschek from Heidenreichstein in the Waldviertel, BKS Bank from Klagenfurt and Henriette Stadthotel Vienna.
World Ecolabel Day
8 October is World Ecolabel Day - the international day for national Ecolabels. Independent, governmental Ecolabels are based on transparent criteria and sound third-party verification and are a credible barrier against greenwashing. What is your opinion? Support your colleagues by answering a short questionnaire.