Congress Centrum Alpbach - Alpbach Tourismus GmbH

Alpbach Tourismus GmbH
Alpbach 246
6236 Alpbach
Tyrol, Austria
Congress Centrum Alpbach Logo
  • UZ-LicenseGM 002
  • accessible
  • certified catering
  • non smoking
  • WIFI

Congress Center Alpbach - Sustainable meetings in the mountain village of Alpbach
The congress location Alpbach in Tyrol / Austria offers ideal conditions for the realization of meetings, which are aligned according to principles of ecology and sustainability.

• Congress and Conferences
• Corporate events and conferences
• Exhibitions, roadshow
• Special Events and Incentives

In addition, the Congress Center Alpbach is a licensee of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings. Our team offers implementation and certification of green meetings as well as a delicious and varied cuisine with regional products. 

In addition, organizers can fall back on a mobility concept based on a regional bus, which is for free.

68 Events

Jahresversammlung - Convention Bureau Tirol
12 December 2018, Alpbach/6236

Bundesseminar Nachhaltiger(er) Tourismus
12 October 2017 - 14 October 2017, 6236

Leadership Academy, 13. LEA-Generation (Forum 1-4)

Organised by: Leadership Academy, Location: Congress Centrum Alpbach
4 Events between 15 October 2016 and 17 December 2017. Locations: Alpbach 6236, Alpbach 6236, Alpbach 246

Leadership Academy (Duplikat), 12. LEA-Generation (Forum 1-4)

Organised by: Leadership Academy, Location: Congress Centrum Alpbach
4 Events between 11 October 2015 and 24 October 2016. Locations: Alpbach/6236, Alpbach/6236, Alpbach/6236, Alpbach/6236

BergUmWelt, Umweltkommunikation in Wintersportgebiete - eine Herausforderung?
22 September 2014 - 23 September 2014, 6236 Alpbach

Leadership Academy, 11. LEA-Generation (Forum 1-3)

Organised by: Leadership Academy, Location: Congress Centrum Alpbach
3 Events between 27 April 2014 and 13 December 2014. Locations: Congress Centrum Alpbach, Congress Centrum Alpbach, Congress Centrum Alpbach

Leadership Academy, 10. LEA-Generation
4 Events between 2 December 2012 and 22 December 2013. Locations: 6236 Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach

SynerGIS 2012, Esri-Anwenderkonferenz in Österreich
22 October 2012 - 25 October 2012, 6236 Alpbach

Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2012
16 August 2012 - 1 September 2012

Forests for People 2012
22 May 2012 - 24 May 2012, 6236 Alpbach

Leadership Academy, 9. LEA-Generation
4 Events between 4 December 2011 and 6 December 2012. Locations: CC Alpbach, CC Alpbach, CC Alpbach, CC Alpbach

Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2011
18 August 2011 - 4 September 2011

Leadership Academy, 8. LEA-Generation
3 Events between 10 April 2011 and 2 December 2011. Locations: Congress Centrum Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach, Congress Centrum Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach, Congress Centrum Alpbach, 6236 Alpbach

Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2010
19 August 2010 - 4 September 2010, Alpbach / 6236

Congress Centrum Alpbach LuftaufnahmeCongress Centrum Alpbach SonnenterrasseCongress Centrum Alpbach AussenaufnahmeCongress Centrum Alpbach Europa Foyer