Natur im Garten, Bildungsstandort Kompetenzzentrum Tulln
Am Wasserpark 13430 Tulln an der Donau
Lower Austria, Austria
“Natur im Garten" is an initiative supported by the province of Lower Austria, which has been promoting the ecologisation of gardens and green spaces in Lower Austria and beyond its borders since 1999. The core criteria of the "Nature in the Garden" campaign stipulate that gardens and green spaces should be designed and maintained without pesticides, without chemical synthetic fertilizers and without peat. Great importance is attached to biological diversity and design with native and ecologically valuable plants.
The core task is to impart knowledge and skills for the ecological and near-natural design and maintenance of gardens and green spaces in the private, semi-public and public sector. Our educational offers are future-oriented, question environmentally harmful production processes and behaviour and offer solutions to problems. The participants will receive a well-founded and diversified knowledge in order to be prepared for the challenges and new technologies in organic horticulture. Discussion of the use of organic products in the garden is promoted in numerous seminars, including the establishment of an own seal of quality for organic garden products.
We work closely with educational and research institutions. Our range of education ranges from seminars, lectures and workshops for garden owners to courses and specialist conferences for professionals to lectures at university courses. It is run annually by about 30,000 people. 41,000 people used.
For years, the children of UNI Tulln have been among our annual highlights in educational work.
Our experts have a comprehensive theoretical and practical competence, which is updated and supplemented by continuous training in the technical, methodological and personal fields.