BFI Salzburg
Schillerstraße 305020 Salzburg

BFI Salzburg is an educational institution of the Salzburg Chamber of Labour and offers its customers a wide range of vocational education programmes.
The programmes fulfil a high social and economic benefit for the region and offer individual development perspectives for the participants. On a personal level, education is an important key to higher income, job security, social participation, job satisfaction and career advancement. Guided by the principle that education should be affordable for all, BFI has been offering a wide range of legally recognised vocational education and training courses in various fields since 1963.
Our contributions to the environment, health and educational quality within the framework of the eco-label:
- Expansion of regional education programmes in the Salzburg regions to facilitate access for young people. (Apprenticeship with Matura courses, elementary education: vocational orientation days, courses for additional pedagogical staff and the university entrance qualification examination as access to the BAFEP college).
- Online and blended learning progammes
- Free public transport tickets for all course participants
- Improvement of the airconditioning of our premises with structural measures (ventilation, shading, planting, ...)
- Use of certified paper for printed materials and reduction of paper consumption (online course programme)
- Continuation and expansion of the health programme for employees as well as regular health checks and health examination in the company; the employees get regular fruits from regional suppliers as well as seasonal products and organic products.
- Promoting environmental awareness among employees and anchoring the issue of sustainability more firmly in our educational programmes.