Hotel Regina
Rooseveltplatz 151090 Wien
Vienna, Austria

Our company - the Kremslehner Hotels GmbH - consists of four hotels, which are already run as family hotels in the fourth generation and began in 1892 with the Alt-Pilsenetzer Bierhalle at the location of the Hotel Regina. In addition to our goal of providing our guests with the best possible service and being economically successful in the long term, we also want to keep an eye on the environment. We have been pursuing sustainable development, longevity and job security goals for years. We feel committed as a family business especially to the next generation and therefore we stand for a proper, careful and economical use of resources such as food, energy, etc. Especially Austria stands internationally as a tourism destination for a clean environment and a healthy nature. This will also secure our company for the future and in the further consequence, this also secures many jobs.
The Hotel Regina started years ago with the "For a Clean Environment" offensive and could thus not only massively save costs, but also raise the awareness of the team for the careful handling of food. Also, the constant control of the previously mentioned deficits and the refreshing of the defined countermeasures are massively important. These points need to be incorporated into the daily work routine and should be consolidated sustainably and effectively.
We stand for tradition and family and we very much hope that our future, which is already growing in the fifth generation, will develop the same joy for the hotel industry in order to continue the company in a long-term and environmentally conscious way!