Gardening (Pflanzerei Schallmoos)

Gardening made easy!

Are you already gardening? Or are you still thinking about how and where you could do it? Read here what positive effects gardening can have on your life. We also looked around and discovered many locations for the famous "green thumb".

For body and soul.

It is a lot of fun to watch the "own" plants grow, as a garden specialist has once again confirmed: He definitely develops a "relationship" with strawberries, lettuce and his other "offspring". It is therefore understandable that his first path in the morning leads to the garden.

In addition, every horticultural work is a relaxing, but also extremely creative activity in which very individual ideas can be realized. Stress reduction and compensation to occupation inclusive. All in all, a possibility to make the hectic life more careful, reduced and sustainable and healthier! It beckons fresh fruit and vegetables!

Natural relationships.

There, the cultivation fan looks for his still green (or already mature) "darlings" to determine what they need today. Probably water! In the evening it is for the passionate gardener "after work" a very special experience to eat the self-bred tomatoes as crisp-fresh salad with family and friends.

Pleasance 2017!

Then, the legitimate, satisfying gardener's joy sets in. Like everything you produce yourself, the planting, nurturing and harvesting of fruit and vegetables, also generates considerable happiness. The term "pleasure garden" can therefore be read quite up to date: The pleasurable gardening creates positive experiences. Those in turn motivate to devote themselves to the garden with joy. Not only the gardeners, benefit from this passion!

Herb box (Dr. Helmuth Öhler)

Home Garden.

Where to garden now? Yes, in your own garden, of course. This is possible for many in the country. Even if the classic house or cottage garden is not available, you do not have to do without the garden fun!

City Garden.

Especially for the urban area, the balcony and the terrace are mini-gardens, which definitely have "growth potential". A popular place for "home gardeners" is the windowsill in the kitchen. Big plus: The self-grown herbs are at hand for fresh processing! These options are part of Urban Gardening, which is finding more and more followers. This also includes the transformation of previously barely used, unattractive backyards by "urban" gardeners into small nature paradises, in which the residents now like to meet. Gathering together- of course, this social component plays a very important role in the new community gardens: Here, several people finance and run a garden in the urban area. Working together is an essential component of these exciting nature projects.

Garden question:

Now, only the question "Do you already garden - or what are you waiting for?" remains. The answer of our garden specialist to: "Anyone who wants can horticultural activity. Also in the smallest city apartment are possibilities.” Then, where is my old watering can?

Further tips and tricks for the new desire to garden:

Important information on urban gardening, neighborhood gardens (community gardens) and seasonally rented "temporary gardens" can be found here:

The city of Vienna promotes neighbourhood and community gardens in the densely built-up urban area in a special way. Please inform yourself here: The brochure "Lots of green in a small space" gives tips for gardening close to nature in the room and on the balcony: